Spore Fan Fiction Wiki
Planet of Origin:


Philosphical Ability:

Gravitation Wave

  • Carnivore
  • Adaptable
  • Aggressive
  • Economic
Favoured Weapon:

Flaming Torch
Favoured Instrument:



  • Interstellar Drive 4
  • SETI
  • Scanner
  • Radar
  • Abduction Beam
  • Hologram Scout
  • Laser
  • Proton Missile
  • Colony Constructor
  • Colony Expansion Tools
  • Shield
  • Auto Blaster
  • Space Bomb
  • Seismic Tools
  • Terraforming Tools
  • Fireworks
  • Embassy

The Krania.


The Krania in its Tribal Outfit.


The Krania in its Civilisation Outfit.


The Krania in its Space Outfit.

The Krania Logocracy is found in The Roargana Cluster and is centered on Krainar in the Krellna System.


Kranian History begins with the sudden appearance of tribes over one continent of the Planet Roargan. Kranian Tribes appeared after Roaragan tribes and were generally aggressive and inventive. The Kranian Tribes learnt language off of the Roaragans, however because of the differences in mouth structure the language learnt from the Roaragans ended up being a mostly difference. The Roaraga and Krania Tribes soon grew to a level that was classified as a Village.

During the time when villages were around the Kranian Villages and the Roaragan Villages formed an alliance with each other. The other Species formed villages and caused a race of technology. This led to the Civilisation Age. Sea Vehicles where eventually created allowing colonisation of other continents, eventually Air Vehicles where invented and allowed Mass Trade and Transport.

Space eventually started being explored. The first Interplanetary Craft was the Kirsta which cataloged the life on Thury and Returned. Following this massive leap Space technologies formed which eventually led to the Koragan which could travel to the nearest Star, See Koragan First Flight.

When Interstellar space travel became commonly used, Roargan was being suffocated by 7 Civilisations and the sapient species were constantly arguing and so it was decided to colonise 6 planets for 6 of the Roargan Species, see The Great Seperating. During a Monolith experiment by the Roaragans a Monolith was accidently released into the ecosystem of a terraformed planet with Roargan life, this caused The Venoren Demarchy, see The Venoren Monolith. After these events The Piraken Plutocracy, because of an unkown reason, became inexplicably violent an were forced by the Roargan Council to be forced from the main areas of the Roargana Cluster, The Pirak Empire refused to go and were voted by the Council to be destroyed, see The Destruction of the Piraken Plutocracy.

The Kranian Logocracy and the other Roargan Species found themselves in a war with The Crenen Empire, a aggressive race found near a void in The Roargana Cluster.


  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: ???
  • Class: ???
  • Order: ???
  • Family: ???
  • Genus: ???
  • Species: ??? ???

